Writers’ Assistant • Script Coordinator
From December 2020 through April 2022, I worked as the Writers’ Assistant and Script Coordinator for the as-of-yet untitled animated comedy developed and showrun by Alex Hirsch, creator of Gravity Falls on Disney Channel. Unfortunately this exciting project has slipped back into the development stage after a fruitful and productive writer’s room was convened, and I have no clips or stills to share with you.
In my capacity as WA and SC, I was tasked with logging a copious amount of notes, show information, timelines, records, draft revisions, and circle takes — all in service of an auteur creator who had the writer’s room develop multiple parallel versions of each story in order to truly suss out what worked best for each given episode and character — the result being that I was effectively assembling notes and materials for three shows at once.
Because there’s no poppy visuals or clips or credits I can share from my amazing experience working at Netflix Animation under Alex Hirsch’s tutelage, I’ll leave you with this letter of recommendation he wrote for me: